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Drawing on Eve will answer any questions posed. Please send questions to
any of the addresses listed on the contact page. Please direct your questions
to either the band as a whole or individual members.
Go to the most recent questions.
I don't know anything about you. What are your names?
- Luttrell
- Adam "Une Sac a' dos" Kruth
- Ryan "Chesterfield" Smith
- James "Danger" Kruth
What are your birthdays? - Cailee
- James - born 09/06/79
- Luttrell - born 07/24/81
- Adam - born 11/09/82
- Ryan - born 10/27/78
Okay, so where do you work - Cailee
- Luttrell - Male Secretary.
- James - Computer programmer at EDS.
- Ryan - Microcomputer support personel for the State of Michigan, Department of Consumer and Industry Services.
- Adam - Warming up frozen crap at Big Boy.
And your favorite colors? - Cailee
- James - BLUE, BLUE, BLUE.
- Luttrell - Blue with an occasional side of blue.
- Ryan - Green and sunset.
- Adam - Blue and the rosy softness of Jake's ass.
Your shoe sizes if you please... - Cailee (Boy, is she ever obsessed with us!)
- James - 9 1/2.
- Luttrell - 12.
- Ryan - 9 or 9 1/2, but don't let that influence you girls. I've got it where it counts.
- Adam - 70, in dog feet.
What do you drive? - Cailee
- Luttrell - 1992 Chevy Astro LX.
- James - 1988 Dodge Caravan.
- Ryan - 1989 Gray Honda Accord, 202K miles, $2000 or best offer. Brand new air freshener... pine scented!
- Adam - Luttrell and my parents car.
Favorite Snack while practicing? - Josh
- Luttrell - Peanut M&Ms.
- James - Slush puppies.
- Ryan - Cider and donuts.
- Adam - Ryan.
Which Darren from Bewitched do you like better? Dick Sargent, or Dick York? - Becky
- James - Dick Sargent? Dick York? Sargent York!
- Luttrell - I ordered a cheese burger!
- Ryan - Which Darren? Man, all I have to say is Dick was definately my favorite.
- Adam - I don't answer any questions with the word dick in them.
What do you do outside of band practice? - Cailee
- Luttrell - Drive Adam's lazy ass around
- James - Work on this webpage, practice guitar, do homework, practice guitar, work, practice guitar...
- Ryan - I mountineer, rock climb, travel extensively, draw, play guitar, criticize James behind his back, cook, and knit mittens for kittens.
- Adam - Shit.
How'd you start playing your instrument? - Luke, Cailee
- Luttrell - My middle school band teacher, Mr. Cote, told my mom I'd be good at it (bass) and the next day she went out and bought me a bass and an amp.
- James - I starting playing guitar because it seemed like a good way to meet girls. Believe me, it isn't.
- Ryan - Upsidedown and blind-folded.
- Adam - I started off by picking up sticks and hitting things with them, like all the band members. After they started to bleed internally I found a drum set to beat on.
What are your favorite bands and your inspirations? - Luke, Cailee
- James - My favorite bands are Radiohead and Ben Folds Five. Guitar-wise, my influences stem from Radiohead, 311, Dave Mathews Band and pretty much anything I hear. As for song writing, Radiohead, Semi-Sonic, Ben Folds Five and again, any thing I hear influences me.
- Luttrell - My favorite band is the Beatles, but my biggest bass influence is P-Nut from 311. Other influences are Stefan Lessard, Mike Gordon, Robert Sledge and Justin Chancellor.
- Ryan -
- Musical Inspirations: Duane Allman, David Gilmore, Eric Clapton, Trey Anastasio, Mark Sandman, Kurt Cobain, Thom York, BB King, James Taylor, Beck, Tim Mahoney, Carlos Santana, Tori Amos, Elliot Smith, Paul Simon, the Beatles, Leonard Cohen, Bob Marley, Jim Morrison, and Willie Nelson, Tom Morello, Billy Bragg.
- Favorite Bands or Solo Artists: Kula Shaker, MMW, Phish, Guster, 311, The String Cheese Incident, Morphine, The Allman Brothers Band, Rusted Root, Ben Harper, The Beasty Boys, Elliot Smith, Wilco, Beth Orton, Tool, Radiohead, Len, Cake, Harry Connick Jr., Lenny Kravitz, and The Jesus Lizard, Rage Against the Machine, The Roots, Gomez, Tribe Called Quest, Billy Bragg, Wyclef, The Digable Planets.
- Adam - These are my influences, I couldn't list all my favorite bands if I wanted to.
- Chad Sexton / 311
- Carter Beauford / Dave Matthews Band
- Jon Fishman / Phish
- Chad Smith / Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Danny Carey / Tool
- Jimmy Chamberlin / Smashing Pumpkins
How long has the band been together? - Luke
- James - Longer than any other band I've ever been in.
- Luttrell - since I was a Freshman in highschool.
- Ryan - Since last weekend.
- Adam - Since I hit puberty.
How'd the band start? - Luke, Cailee
- Luttrell - I had a good place to play and I could play roots so I was in.
- James - I have no idea... one day I woke up and I was just in this band... it was really weird.
- Ryan - 2 parts milk, 1 part chocolate syrup, 1 part Kaluha and Vodka. Mix.
- Adam - Well I don't really remember, but all I know is that the band sucked until I joined, and now I'm just horny all the time.
What's up with James' love life - Josh
- James - I'm currently dating a Goddess.
What's the story behind Saturday Night Seduction? - Luke
- Ryan - The original bit was written in my basement, at three in the morning, back when I was still living with my parents. It's all about this girl I had a mad crush on. She later became my girlfriend for a time. She left me for a frenchman.
How many of the songs are about Ryan's "conquests"? - Kelly
- Ryan - A few of the songs I have written are about the women in my life, but none are about my so called "conquests". Well.....actually Saturday Night Seduection is about a crush I had on a girl who later became my girlfriend. That's sort of a conquest, I guess.
What color of socks does Adam wear? - Erin
- Adam - I wear multi-colored socks with seperate toes.
Okay in Saturday Night Seduction what the hell is Luttrell saying? My friends says it's sugar plum fairy, and I'm just not hearing
that so could you please tell me what your saying? - Erika
- Luttrell - The answer to your highly complex question is that when I was having an in depth conversation with my pet newt he told me that the fairies were dancing around to our music when we were last rehearsing. So, I decided that I could tribute the beginning of our song to those dancin' fairies by singing "Suger Plum Fairy, Suger Plum Fairy". Either that or John Lennon used to use it to count off Beatles tunes.
What does the band name mean?? - Todd
- James - It used to be a kind of play on words or a stab at a meaningful name, but as time went on, it just started to mean 4 friends making music together.
You guys are better looking than the Backstreet Boys. By the way, what are your parent's credit card numbers? - Luke
- James - Thanks for writing. If you'd like to know our parents credit card numbers
we'll tell you what to do!! Incredible as it may seem, our parents keep all
their credit cards in your parents wallets. In fact, they even have your
parents names on them. Pretty goofy, huh?? Well, all you have to do is get
those numbers and charge away. One other thing, our parents have forgotten
their credit card numbers so if you could please e-mail them back to us,
we'd sure appreciate it!!! Thanks again for writing, and about the
Backstreet Boys thing, we know.
Alright guys so I visited the web sight and I must say that it is nice. I
am proud to actually know who you guys are and all. BUT my question for
you is when are you going to come to Marquette and play? You always talk
about playing in Lansing area, but what about us up here in the docks that
want to hear the glorious sound of your music. Make your way past the
bridge for me to play. You know you want to. - Denise
- James - Denise, we'd be happy to play in Marquette!! If you can find us a place to play, we'll brighten your day with our delicious tunes. Sound fair???
Are you coming out with any action figures? - Kari
- Adam - YEAH, these action figures are gonna be great, mine has flaming drumsticks and my voice programed into it so I can say 40 diffrent sexual and vulgar things
to everyone, especially to the people I don't like. Mine will also be anatomicly correct so it can be a true "Action figure". These are for all ages, cost
has not yet been determined, will you buy the first one?
- Luttrell - Action figures???!!!! Of course we have action figures! Just send two thousand dollars to our mailing address and you will recieve an action figure within
your lifetime. Thank you.
Hypothetically, if someone wanted to get into your bass players pants, how would they go about doing that? I'm not saying I want into Jake's pants or
anything, I'm just saying "what if." - Megan
- Luttrell - To get into a bass players pants is actually a harder task that it first may seem. Bass players are a breed apart. They are intelligent and free spirited.
They don't have a guitarist ego because that isn't their job. Their job is to bridge the gap between the drums and the guitars without stepping on anyones
feet. Drummers are theasiest they drop their pants at the sight of a poodle, guitarist are easy too because they think they can ge tit from anyone. Bass
players have self-respect and in order to get into their pants you have to not ony respect them but also yourself. Thank you for your question.
Ok guys, you already know me as the biggest ass you've ever met but I've
got a observation/question that will make me seem like an even bigger
one... Your DOE logo premiered on the T-shirts my Jr year of highschool
(wow, almost 2 years ago!) and ever since then something about it has
seemed not quite right. You see, due to its placement, the hand would
appear to be just beginning to write the phrase "Drawing On Eve." This
however is not the case, as we can clearly see the entire phrase on the
shirt. Now, it occured to me that the writer could be of some middle
eastern heritage. We all know they write backwards over there (they do a
lot of other things backwards there, but we won't get into that!). Then
again, he's writing in English so that doesn't make sense at all... Could
you please explain the logo to me? - Kevin
- Adam - NO!
- Luttrell - In response to your inquiry about our logo appearing to have been written backwards I have a simple solution.... We as artistic musicians have found that in
the high quality process of making shirts it takes two layers of writing to make a solid picture on a shirt. The hand does start at the begining of the
letters but that is only because we had already written it once and were now starting the second of ink. Either that or we just happen to have some
connections to a northern siberian cult that has absolutley nothing to do with polar bears. thank you for your very helpful question.
Oh, and could I also have a cheeseburger? - Kevin
- Adam - Yeah, thats what I'm talking about, I have these microwaveable cheeseburgers at my house and they're the best, I could share one for a very small fee,
actually its not small but I'll explain later.
- Luttrell - You can have a cheeseburger when you make action figures for us.
Are you guys going to come out with an acoustic album? - Kathie
- Ryan - Sure thing Jelly bean.
- Luttrell - Once we can all afford decent acoustic instruments.
- James - Concentrate, and ask again later.
What flavor of ice cream best describes the inner you? And do you feel a peace within yourself when you consume that particular ice cream? Do you notice the absence of something when you eat other ice creams of a completely different flavor? (If any of you say "superman", you're even bigger losers than I thought.) - Megan
- Ryan - Ice cream! No doubt, it has to be Ben and Jerry's "From Russia with Buzz", but man watch out! This fab flavor is righteous and intense in ways unknown to the mortal man, so at the very least you can't say I didn't warn you. Enjoy! On the whole internal feelings during consumption thing, I am the most exuberant and Zen being on the planet at the very moment my tiny taste buds get a morsel of that cosmic concoction. Can you say better than sex.........well almost. You know what I'm talking about girls!
- James - Mint Chocolate Chip. Yes. Yes.
Uuuhhh....On the booklet...the picture on the front page..who is that jumping off theb cool little cliff thing? - Erika and Rachel
- Luttrell - It's James Earl Jones in his pre-Star Wars days.
- James - Me and Uncle Richard are standing out of the photograph, but that is James Earl Jones taking flight.
- Shazbot! - Actually it's a good friend of Ryan's named Fritz. Please ignore the two ruffians above.
Do you guys like kool-aid, if so, you have a favorite flavor?
- Ryan - Groovy Grape.
- James - I love the lime green stuff myself.
The Esch family would like to know when you are going to remake the Bramhs Lullaby?
- Ryan - Sure... if I knew what you meant.
- Luttrell - The Brahms Lullaby will be recreated in full in 1870. Unless you
have a time machine you are out of luck.
- James - I'm dilegently working on it right now, it'll just be a little while longer :)